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The digital layout measuring and marking tool for structural steel beams and profiles


Annual savings of up to tens of thousands of euros
can be achieved with one BeamAce unit



We are Rockroth

Rockroth Oy and its first product innovation BeamAce got their start from an industry professional’s ambition to make manufacturing related structural steel beam layout measuring and marking easier and more efficient.

Developing the BeamAce product also led to an idea of Rockroth Oy’s broader mission to be a company that comprehensively develops innovative solutions for the steel structure industry.

Carrying out this vision, Rockroth Oy continues to develop innovations inspired by the needs of the steel structure industry, aiming to build a better tomorrow also for manufacturing of steel structures.

Rockroth Beamace Promotion Image

One of its kind - BeamAce

With Rockroth's BeamAce-digital layout measuring and marking tool, you can reduce costly measuring errors, make more accurate and faster layout markings thus create significant savings.

​BeamAce is a patented, unique Finnish innovation that revolutionizes the layout measuring and marking of  structural steel beams.


Welcome to the modern manufacturing
of steel structures

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